Saddam Dead, Bush Hoodless

Mikael Rudolph

Op Ed News
Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The Price of Silencing an Accomplice ~ Courtesy Sgt. Fearn, the "Impeachment Grunt"

Saddam is dead.

The same Saddam we armed to fight Iran.

The Same Saddam who shook Rummy’s hand.
The same Saddam who used American-supplied chemical weapons to kill the Kurds.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections according to Bush.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections according to Cheney.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections according to Rummy.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections according to Condi.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections according to Colin Powell.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections according to Rudy Giuliani.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections according to every GOP Convention speaker.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections – or so we were told.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections – or so Congress was told.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections according to FoxNews.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections according to CNN.
The same Saddam who had Al Qaeda connections according to the entire corporate media.
The same Saddam who was behind 9/11 according to Bush, Cheney, Condi, Rummy, Powell, et al.
The same Saddam who was behind 9/11.

… well not really…

Why exactly did we attack Iraq again?

The same Saddam who had NO Al Qaeda connections according to Bush… eventually.
The same Saddam who had NO 9/11 connections whatsoever.

Why exactly did we attack Iraq again?

The same Saddam who hated Osama bin Laden.
The same Saddam who had no nuclear weapons.
The same Saddam who had no missiles capable of reaching Israel, much less the USA.
The same Saddam who bought no Yellowcake uranium from Niger.
The same Saddam whose aluminum tubes were incapable of use in a nuclear centrifuge.
The same Saddam who had no mobile chemical weapons labs.
The same Saddam who had no other WMDs.
The same Saddam who allowed Hans Blix to inspect his nation until Bush pulled Hans Blix out.
The same Saddam whose Iraq’s skies we have controlled and patrolled since the Gulf War.

Why exactly did we attack Iraq again?

Saddam is dead.

The same Saddam whose personal pistol is a hunting trophy in President Bush’s office.

The same Bush who Europe’s press titled: "The Executioner" as Governor of Texas.
The same Bush who chose not to stay the execution of the first 131 death row inmates – the vast majority black men – whose time had come under his watch.
The same Bush who after five callous years as Governor finally granted his first stay of execution in a Rovian flourish shortly after announcing his candidacy for the Presidency.
The same Bush who fiddled while New Orleans flooded and the poor blacks drowned.

Saddam is dead.

And President Bush didn’t even have to wear a black hood.

Nor a white one.

Saddam is dead

12 Responses to Saddam Dead, Bush Hoodless

  1. ElGringo_7 sier:

    Der sa Du det. Får håpe Kim i Korea ser videoen, da.
    Så kanskje han blir umotivert for angrepskrig?
    Aldri så galt at det ikke er godt for noe?
    Eller kanskje ikke…

  2. utroli bra sagt 😀

  3. Wolfsea sier:

    Glitrende oppsummert.
    Personlig mener jeg at Bush bør stilles for retten, ingen skal kunne gå til krig uten skjellig grunn.

    Men hvem er sgt. Fearn ?
    Og hvor fant du dette, odednews ?

  4. Odd Inge sier:

    Jeg vet ikke hvem sgt. Fearn er:)

  5. «Marine Sgt. Daniel Fearn, self-proclaimed “Impeachment Grunt”, has been an absolutely stellar ally of ours in this effort since long before came into existence. He has been fixated on holding the Bush Administration accountable for its crimes and misdemeanors for over three years. His graphic art work has shown up on websites and in print across the nation for organizations such as, World Can’t as well as After spending a weekend with him in Seattle at the Veteran’s for Peace Convention I know that not only do I have as good a partner in this struggle as I could ever ask for, I also have new friend of the highest caliber. When I think “Support the Troops”, I think of the masses coming to the attention of Sgt. Fearn. »
    Fant denne presentasjonen av ham…
    Synd de bruker satans brukne kors som symbol da, men de vet vel ikke hva det betyr…
    Bra blogg du har… 😉

  6. Odd Inge sier:


    Takk:) Fin blogg du og, men du skriver for få innlegg!

  7. Starlett sier:

    Meget bra, Odd Inge!

    Og samtidig dypt tragisk og viser oss verdens, og særlig supermaktens USAs forferdelig dobbeltmoral.

    NÅR skal sannheten gå opp for folk?

    Hvor fikk du tak i diktet?

    Det burde vært mangfoldiggjort på bloggene rundt omkring!

  8. Odd Inge sier:


    Mye dobbeltmoral ja!

    Det er vanskelig for folk å innse sannheten når de ser på NRK og TV2 og når de leser Aftenposten og VG….de værste propaganda maskinene som noen gang har vært!

    Start å les på Alex Jones sin internettside, Det var der jeg fant diktet.

  9. Starlett sier:

    #9 Kommentar fra Odd Inge:

    Jeg skal gjøre det. Legger kanskje ut diktet i en av kommentarene på min blogg.

    Har anbefalt flere å lese det, – og det fortjener å bli lest, for det gjenspeiler sannheten!

  10. Tiqui sier:

    Ja, det eneste denne henrettelsen tjente til var å lukke munnen på en som kjenner det fulle omfanget av USA’s bidrag og handlinger i regionen. For verden ellers, og aller mest hans ofre, er henrettelsen en frarøvelsen av retten til oppklaring og forståelse. For Saddam selv er det over og han slipper dermed å stilles til ansvar for alt det andre han har gjort, og som amerikanerne ikke ønsket at verden skulle få vite omfanget av deres medvirkning.

    Takker forøvrig for kommentarer flere steder i bloggen.

  11. Odd Inge sier:


    Helt enig med deg!

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